This is has been the worst week of the new year, so far.
Yesterday we lost one of our beloved resident. Mighty Mouse, registered name Nonstop to Charlotte, passed away yesterday from a strangulated lipoma in her small intestines. We had no warning, and this particular tumor doesn't usually affect mares, just geldings and ponies.
It started with the symptoms of colic. No manure, no gut sound so we followed standard colic procedures. By Tuesday night she was thrashing with pain and we gave her the serious drugs which helped but not fully. Wednesday morning we made the decision to take her to Auburn University, still thinking we were looking at an impaction or twist. With buckets of tears and many prayers we loaded Mouse onto the trailer.
Auburn was expecting us, and the crash room was ready. As soon as the trailer came to a stop, the vets, interns and assistants were there, helping her off the truck, confirming with AJ all the information our vet had told them. Mouse was taken into surgery. Soon the diagnosis came back.
They tapped her belly to check the fluid. Where it should be a light amber, it was filled with blood. Their faces told us all we needed to hear. Surgery was attempted in case this was a simply a tear, but she never made it off the table. According to the wonderful Dr. Alvanese, even if we had taken her to Auburn earlier, nothing would have saved her. She should have died within moments of the first twinges of pain. Only her Mighty Mouse spirit kept her alive until everyone could say good-bye.
Mouse was a miracle baby, rejected by her mother and fed by a bottle by her breeder 'momma' for weeks. It was several months before Mouse was aware she even was a horse and not a human. Momma Angie had to teach her to eat grass! It was this will to survive that we will always remember. Mouse had a mind of her own and definite opinions on everything. From the moment she entered the pasture, she was Boss Mare of the Round Bales. No one was admitted to the hay feast without Mouse's permission.
She flirted shamelessly with every gelding on the farm. She was diagnosed with HYPP, a potassium imbalance that caused her to have her feed and treats carefully monitored. And throughout everything she was sweet, kind, and a willing listener. A large hole in our hearts has been opened and may never be closed. Mighty Mouse has passed the Rainbow Bridge. At least she has some friends waiting for her. I guess the boys needed a mother.
We would like to cremate Mouse and have her remains split between those who loved her best. Deceased Pet Care in Atlanta is offering a $300 discount which would make our costs $1500.00. Being a 501(c)3 rescue, funds are tight but this would mean much to AJ, Brooke, and Sadie. If you would like to contribute to Mouse's burial fund, our PayPal address is lessons@blueskiesridingacademy.com.
Farewell Charlotte - run free, and take care of the boys: Redwood, Sneaky, and Sparky. We will see you again!!!