Blue Skies Riding Academy is more than a lesson barn, more than another boarding facility. Our primary focus is the rescue and retraining of horses who through no fault of their own find themselves in horrendous circumstances. Currently we have nine rescues which have come from slaughter bound situations. Once the animal regains weight and personal interest in people again, we work to discover their natural abilities and to adopt these recovered gems to loving, forever homes.
One such horse is know to us as Katie, but a long time ago, in a different life, her Jockey Club name was Sought Out. Katie worked the tracks the hard way and when her usefulness was done, she was rescued by a group of very determined women.
Transition Center acquired Katie after quite a harrowing ordeal. Originally a group of rescuers were networking to bail out a horse that
was auction bound. When the network dispatched a local resident to evaluate the
nice, large gelding of possible thoroughbred breeding, she arrived to find he had
already been sent to auction. Very upset, she called Wendy O’Hara-Mickels at Furlong
and another member of the network, Diana Baker. Diana in turn sent one of her
friends to the suspected auction house, Marshall Auction in Virginia on a hot
Saturday afternoon. While many waited and others called the offending owner it was
too late and our target horse, a bay gelding, was sold and gone from the
auction yard. Never one to be out done Diana asked her person on the ground, Jan
Snodgrass, to see if any other TBs needed rescuing. Jan saw two mares go through
the auction both very skinny; one had a terrible scar on her back leg. Since the
better mare was bought by a mother/ daughter, Jan set her sights on the other scarred horse. To her horror, the mare was tied to the trailer of one Jessie Austin, known meat
dealer and sometimes hauler. After speaking to Diana they agreed on a budget and
$150 was spent to save Katie, as she became known somewhere during her trips.
was slaughter bound and her last ride was going to be to New Holland auction for the hauler to
gather a load before heading to a Canadian or Mexican slaughter house. Ransomed, Katie instead
loaded and went home with Jan, beginning a six week recovery. Upon arrival, Katie was approx.
250+lbs underweight. Her back leg scar ran from hock to fetlock and the leg as was
twice the size it should have been. Everyone involved was concerned as to the
severity of her injury which appeared to be six months old. The leg was healing, but the extent of scarring lead many to believe she had been given minimal
care along the winding road to rescue. In Late July, early August it was determined Katie needed a more permanent
solution. Jan had done a great job of getting weight on Katie but she needed a
family to complete the recovery. Furlong Transition had been contacted by the
rescue network to take in two thoroughbreds from Charleston. When one horse was
placed in a home ahead of the shipping schedule Katie was chosen to fill the spot.
was shipped with Rodeo Reba, a beautiful, large, homeless thoroughbred mare to Furlong
Transition in the middle of the night. Katie however had other ideas about this
trip. She was in no way going through the auction again or with another scruffy
man. Wary of the trailer ride, Katie proceeded to demolish the hauler’s trailer along with injuring Reba
physically and mentally on the trip down. Katie had to be sedated for the rest of
the trip. We were all very surprised with this sweet mare's sudden meltdown, and decided it was from the trauma
of her previous experiences.
and Reba arrived at 3am to begin their new lives at Furlong Transition. After a
few weeks it became apparent Katie was top horse in the pack composed of Katie,
Reba and resident gelding, the Biggie. She and Reba had scrapes and scuffles, but
would be OK. For the next year and a half, Katie was in a stall with adjoining
paddock during the day and out at night with her buddies. There was little
activity at the barn apart from feeding, cleaning and petting. Secluded on a pretty hill top farm with mountain meadow pastures. Katie only had to
eat, sleep and socialize with her pasture mates.
the beginning, Rodeo Reba was the top attention horse in the barn; the few people
welcomed to view them for adoption always went to Reba with her huge brown eyes
and perfect form. Unfortunately, no adopters were ever qualified enough for a mare with Reba’s
special issues, so she remained at Furlong where she is now a permanent resident. Katie’s scar was getting better but remained a big red flag for
most horse shoppers. Her mane was fuzzy from malnutrition, she was shy and
would not let people handle her head. Katie’s feet were shelly and she did not
like to be bathed or fussed over. After about a year, Katie realized this
farm was going to stay under her feet and she began to warm up to both Wendy and her family. Even Wendy's oldest son
was comfortable turning her out; Katie had perfect manners.
Eventually, it became apparent Katie wanted more from life than the sleepy enjoyment of being a pampered pasture mate, and she began to show off
whenever company came to the barn. Katie would run, buck and come to the fence
over and over again. For anyone who knew what to watch for, she was saying I am
ready. Blue Skies heard Katie was being started under saddle again in the fall of 2010 by
Furlong, and that Wendy’s neighbor, a very experienced dressage rider was
working with Katie. When pictures were sent of her under saddle Blue Skies just
had to come back for another visit. Gone was the scruffy necked mare and in her place
was a confident Thoroughbred, a lady in hand, shiny and ready to move on to her next
chapter. After Sami and Ashley rode her and everyone saw the pictures there was
no denying Katie was going to be the next addition to the Blue Skies family.
It hasn't been all easy going. It took Katie a while to settle into the routine of a lesson program. She is a big girl with a big stride and has been working and retraining as a Jumper. At her first outing this year, Katie and her rider Danielle were in the tops in all their classes. There are pictures of them on our Facebook page: Blue Skies Riding Academy, Inc. Three years ago this precious mare was tied to the trailer headed to hell and now she is poised to explode in the Jumper rings around Atlanta these next years as her new life expands.
On an additional happy note, the
original target gelding from the auction was traced down to New Holland the
following Monday, purchased and shipped to Kentucky by a group of very
determined women in rescue. He became the pasture mate of Mohamed’s Dream who was adopted to the farm previously
and was pasture mate to Those Bailey Blues (Bailey who now belongs to Sami Malik of Blue Skies), during
her original transition time at Furlong Transition Center.
Katie is one of many OTTB's now retraining at Blue Skies Riding Academy.